Americans sit on average 8 hours per day (when we are not sleeping!). This is a lot of time for our bodies to become bored, yes, bored.

Our muscles and minds crave movement. So let’s give it to them. Try out these easy (free) ways to be more active, even with a desk job!

  • Stand up or stretch at least every 30 minutes.
  • While sitting, try heel or toe raises. Or leg lifts.
  • Fidget – it gets your blood moving!
  • Stand up while on phone.
  • Instead of sending a text or email, get up and walk to the co-worker you need to talk to (location dependent of course!).
  • Turn your coffee break into a walk-break. Marching in place works too if you can’t safely walk anywhere.
  • Adjust your posture. Shoulders back, pull belly button in tight to spine, chest out. Posture adjustments also help decrease stress.


Add more activity in by:

  • When watching a movie, or TV, stretch! Your body will feel better and research shows stretching helps your focus too!
  • Try a workout video, yoga or stretching is a good place to start. 20-30 min videos are best when starting.
  • Plan activity into your weekend. Go strawberry picking, walk the Ocmulgee trail, take a bike ride with family.
  • Need more romance? Try taking a sunset walk together. Hold hands, talk about the things you are grateful for.
  • Add an extra block or two to the dog walk.
  • Take the stairs or walk up the escalators. Park further from the entrance to the store/restaurant.
  • Make sports something you try, not just watch. Take lessons to learn a new sport, or how to play your favorite.
  • Take advantage of the free classes when offered. Robins Air Base offers many classes to those with access.
  • Stand up during commercial breaks, or after the end of show. Stretch, do arm circles, march in place, hold a plank position, anything to get yourself moving!
  • Dance! Feeling blue? Tired and having trouble waking up? Put on your favorite song and dance it out!
  • Challenge yourself and your friends by following each other on activity apps. When you keep track of something you are doing, you are more likely to keep doing it!


Other (not free suggestions):

  • Invest in an exercise bike, rowing machine or elliptical to use while watching TV.
  • Can you try a stability-ball chair, standing desk or treadmill desk? Not free, but a great way to do something different (and there are grants available for businesses to try these out!)


Bottom line, it starts with you and remember….








To Your Health,

About the Author:

Starr Wharton, M.S., MCHES is a wellness specialist with more than 16 years experience in cardiovascular health and emergency medicine.