We know that music can benefit our physical and mental health. Figuring out what music works best is not neurology. But it does take a bit of psychology.

Music’s Impact: Songs, beats, lyrics, genres can evoke strong emotions. There are songs you hear and turn up loud immediately and others you frantically swipe/switch. Music does not have to be with lyrics and is for YOU. Instrumental, white/brown/pink noise, a good Hendrix guitar riff, a jazz skat, Brahms Lullaby, 2Pac are equal. Side note: This may be my most recently played songs, haha.

Choosing Your Music: First, identify music that speaks to 3 moods – Activity/energy, Calm/relax, Happy Favorites. Next, set up these playlists in your preferred music streaming service. Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, 181 FM, all have stations and/or playlists you can add to your list, bookmark or create your own. Finally, listen to your playlist when it fits the mood and make edits over time. If a song doesn’t fit the theme, delete it. You can always add it back. Or create new lists. Bottom line, you choose what speaks to you.

Using Your Music: Anyone have a toddler at home? Baby Shark is a great catchy tune but perhaps not what you want to listen to on repeat. When using your music playlists, environment matters. It may be your car is the best, or on a long walk, or whilst enjoying a hobby. Boombox, headphones, speaker phone, FM radio, anything goes. Determine the times/places you are most likely to listen to each of your mood lists.

Music. A universal language which speaks to our hearts, minds and bodies.

For further reading:

Harvard University – https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/music-and-health

American Heart Association – https://www.heart.org/en/news/2021/03/03/calming-us-down-or-revving-us-up-music-can-be-good-for-the-heart

*This is original content. Chat GPT or similar AI was not consulted when writing this blog.*

To your heart health,

Starr Cortner, M.S., MCHES®, ACE Health Coach/GFI, AFAA

About the author:

Starr is an advocate, educator and practitioner with over 20 years of experience. She brings a unique and dynamic perspective to health and wellness from her the expat and military life. “Everything leads back to you heart.”