When I was in eighth grade (1969), a loaf of bread cost $.23, a postage stamp was $.06 and an ice cold soda from the machine was just $.06.  Sometimes I couldn’t find a penny a n y w h e r e.  Now they are just lying around almost insignificantly.  All that mattered to me was the football or basketball that was in my hands.  I had no physical problems so, I couldn’t fathom there being any problems in my future.


I visited my hometown for the 2011 Founder’s Day program at Mississippi Valley State University and as I drove onto the campus, a security officer at the gate said, “hey I remember you when you were in high school and college.”  “Homeboy, you were really an athlete.”   That was a pleasant surprise for my family to hear.  Later, I thought, man if you only knew what I had been through in 2010.  It was nice to reminiscence for a while I must say.

Even though those were great memories, the need to stay abreast of   the warning signals our bodies give us is important.  So not to make with our physical health and have to go back across the bridge we just cross again have a  discussion with your doctor.  No more prolonging matters just to see what is going to happen.  This can cause severe problems in the long run.  Waiting for test results can also be mind boggling.  I remember that fear. But what I remember most, is how great it is to feel healthy.

To Your Health,

~Coach Chip